Easter Morning

Here is a video I made for Easter. It is just me on Easter Morning.


Sim533 said...

good job!!!

darknight1101 said...

hey Vanderdecken12 im darknight1101
(which you may have already guessed) im a big fan of your Movies and i like this one very much.Anyways i know your quite famous on MLN and LU
(same here,no need to brag tho)
I have a movie on my page and i think it wuld be GREAT to have a star like you see it and rate it.


Vanderdecken12 said...

Glad to see you think I'm famous. I went to your page, though, and the creation wasn't a movie.

Calvin said...

Dear Vanderdecken12( and sim533), i've seen you around but I never knew u were FAMOUS, u have an awesome blog.

P.S. sim533, i would like to be ur buddy, im vanderdeckens buddy.

beardeddragon2 said...


Sim533 said...

To calvin. I see your comment first and yes i would like to be your friend. Also, this is not my blog. I'm interested in the movies my friend vanderdecken12 made.

Kind Regards. Sim533